Tuesday, December 22, 2015



Picture And Name Apparel Traditions Of the 33 provinces in Indonesia - Perhaps young people today are already scarce interested to culture this beloved country Indonesia. Because most of them are too busy with affairs such as dating, salon, shopping, movies or anything else. But if not we as a young child, who else is going to preserve the culture of Indonesia at least know their culture. Here is a picture and the name of the traditional house of 33 provinces in Indonesia.

1. Aceh province - Clothing Traditional Ulee Balang
Ordinary Acehnese traditional custom clothing is Ulee Balang, the clothes are usually used by the king and his family.

2. North Sumatra province - Clothing Traditional Ulos
Traditional custom clothing North Sumatra is Ulos. Custom clothing Ulos considered by society as ajimat Karo Batak tribe that has a certain magical power.

3. West Sumatra province 
- Clothing Traditional Bundo Kanduang
Traditional clothes traditional West Sumatran divided into two, namely clothing and clothing Indigenous prince Bundo Kanduang contained in the Minangkabau region of West Sumatra.

(Clothing Traditional prince)

(Clothing Traditional Bundo Kanduang)

4. Riau Province 
- Clothing Traditional Malay
Lists are traditional clothes traditional clothing traditional Malay custom. In Riau, there are three kinds of traditional Malay custom clothing namely Siak Riau, Riau Indragiri and Bengkalis.

 (Clothing Traditional Siak Riau, Riau Indragiri and Bengkalis)

5. Riau Islands Province 
- Clothing Traditional Belanga
For traditional custom men's apparel, clothes worn the shirts Malay form of a boss who called the bay cauldron. The clothing consists of trousers, fabric sampin, and skull cap or head covering. For women, the clothing worn in the form of brackets clothes, fabrics and scarves. Shawl worn by way draped over his shoulder.

6. Jambi 
- Jambi Malay Traditional Clothes
Traditional custom clothing Jambi same as those in other areas of Sumatra island, the traditional Malay custom clothing. Traditional Malay traditional clothes of Jambi is usually more luxurious than the clothes are used in everyday life because embroidered with gold thread and decorated with luxurious decorations for completeness.

7. South Sumatra Province 
- Clothing Traditional Aesan Gede
Traditional clothes traditional South Sumatra is Aesan Gede. Traditional costume is inspired by the era that was once glorious kingdom of Sriwijaya in South Sumatra.

8. Bangka Belitung 
- Clothing Traditional Paksian
Traditional custom clothing Bangka Belitung is Paksian. For women usually wear red braces are made of silk and a head wearing a crown which is called by the name of Paksian. As for the men using a turban or commonly known as the Pacific Islands community Sungkon.

9. Bengkulu Province 
- Clothing Traditional Bengkulu
Traditional custom clothing Bengkulu women wearing long-sleeved brackets, studded motifs, gold embroidery shaped plates are round like a coin. Traditional men's custom clothing consists of a jacket, gloves, long pants, footwear fitted with headgear and a kris.

10. Lampung - Clothing Traditional Bone Onions
Traditional clothes traditional Lampung when examined there is a difference between lampung coast with lampung mainland but the base is still the same which uses filter fabric decorated with brass which take into beautiful and mebuat luxury, while the filter fabric is a fabric woven manually using ink mas carved by the hands of skilled hands to make the bride who wear the clothes look more authoritative.

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