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Saturday, June 18, 2016

5 Strange Phenomenon That Ever Happened In Indonesia

5 Strange Phenomenon That Ever Happened In Indonesia   - Many indeed phenomena that have ever taken place in our country. From the start of the natural, human moments, the phenomenon in animals up to a strange disease. Total phenomenon was certainly getting attention from the start people beginners to experts. But the fact not or not entirely of the phenomenon can be missed triggers and results. Of so many phenomena that have ever...

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Oops! Travel Warning For the set of foreign tourists to Indonesia

Oops! Travel Warning For the set of foreign tourists to Indonesian Who the heck is going to deny the designation "Indonesia is a gem equator"? Our beloved earth did have a myriad of tourist charms inevitable. Even with the wealth of cultural and culinary treasures of the lure and ready to tempt tourists to come and visit him. In essence, Indonesia was cute and cool . Unfortunately, like it or not, and whether consciously or not, Indonesia...

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Traditional unique races native to Indonesia

Traditional unique races native to Indonesia   Indonesia was gan had loads of Culture and one culture in Indonesia is Racing - Traditional unique and original race of Indonesia, what gan race "Genuine in Indonesia".   Madura Bull Race Karapan cow is a cow grandstand race originating from Madura, East Java, for most of the Madurese karapan cow is not only a party of the people or events held each year are inherited from generation to generation....